Jesuit Mission

Ignatian Engagement

The Ignatian Engagement Committee was formed in response to the Strategic Plan’s call to “Live our Catholic and Jesuit mission.”
In this light, we are working to create dynamic and integrated recommendations for Ignatian formation and engagement programming that will affect each of the constituencies at the Prep. The Universal Apostolic Preferences (UAPs), issued in February 2018 by the Society of Jesus, serve as the guiding light for Catholic, Jesuit communities over the next decade. They invite us into the priorities of spiritual discernment, walking with the excluded, journeying with youth, and caring for our common home.
The Examen grounds us in prayer--in this case, a prayer Ignatius deemed an indispensable daily exercise for any Jesuit and pilgrim of the Lord. With its emphasis on God intimately at work in our personal, day-to-day lives, the Examen prayer is mighty in its relation to the mundane. Throughout the year, all members of the Prep Community are invited into experiences of the Examen in all of its fruits and graces, awakening us to the myriad applications and implications of this simple prayer for our professional and personal lives.
Our work also invites our community to greater solidarity rooted in the Ignatian way of prayer and action as it recognizes "our desire to walk alongside those individuals and communities who are vulnerable, excluded, marginalized, and whose very humanity has been impoverished" (UAP 2018). As we walk together, we remain rooted in the Examen, to prayerfully discern how we as a school community can work in solidarity to lift the voices of the marginalized and oppressed. This call to solidarity is an urgent one. Rooted in our connected humanity, this call exhorts us to recognize and accept requests for justice and hope and, as Pope Francis says, to seek "those roads together, real paths that lead to liberation."
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